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ET resistance is a critical problem for estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer. In this study, we have investigated how alterations in sphingolipids promote cell survival in ET-resistant breast cancer. We have performed LC-MS-based targeted sphingolipidomics of tamoxifen-sensitive and -resistant MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines. Follow-up studies included treatments of cell lines and patient-derived xenograft organoids (PDxO) with small molecule inhibitors; cytometric analyses to measure cell death, proliferation, and apoptosis; siRNA-mediated knockdown; RT-qPCR and Western blot for gene and protein expression; targeted lipid analysis; and lipid addback experiments. We found that tamoxifen-resistant cells have lower levels of ceramides and hexosylceramides compared to their tamoxifen-sensitive counterpart. Upon perturbing the sphingolipid pathway with small molecule inhibitors of key enzymes, we identified that CERK is essential for tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cell survival, as well as a fulvestrant-resistant PDxO. CERK inhibition induces ceramide-mediated cell death in tamoxifen-resistant cells. Ceramide-1-phosphate (C1P) partially reverses CERK inhibition-induced cell death in tamoxifen-resistant cells, likely through lowering endogenous ceramide levels. Our findings suggest that ET-resistant breast cancer cells maintain lower ceramide levels as an essential pro-survival mechanism. Consequently, ET-resistant breast cancer models have a unique dependence on CERK as its activity can inhibit de novo ceramide production.

A ceramide analogue stimulates dendritic cells to promote T cell responses upon virus infections.

In The Journal of Immunology on 1 May 2015 by Pritzl, C. J., Seo, Y. J., et al.

The ceramide family of lipids plays important roles in both cell structure and signaling in a diverse array of cell types, including immune cells. However, very little is known regarding how ceramide affects the activation of dendritic cells (DCs) in response to viral infection. In this study, we demonstrate that a synthetic ceramide analog (C8) stimulates DCs to increase the expansion of virus-specific T cells upon virus infection. Exogenously supplied C8 ceramide elevated the expression of DC maturation markers such as MHC class I and costimulatory molecules following infection with the clone 13 strain of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) or influenza virus. Importantly, ceramide-conditioned, LCMV-infected DCs displayed an increased ability to promote expansion of virus-specific CD8(+) T cells when compared with virus-infected DCs. Furthermore, a locally instilled ceramide analog significantly increased virus-reactive T cell responses in vivo to both LCMV and influenza virus infections. Collectively, these findings provide new insights into ceramide-mediated regulation of DC responses against virus infection and help us establish a foundation for novel immune-stimulatory therapeutics.
Copyright © 2015 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

Lipid-enriched diet rescues lethality and slows down progression in a murine model of VCP-associated disease.

In Human Molecular Genetics on 1 March 2014 by Llewellyn, K. J., Nalbandian, A., et al.

Valosin-containing protein (VCP)-associated disease caused by mutations in the VCP gene includes combinations of a phenotypically heterogeneous group of disorders such as hereditary inclusion body myopathy, Paget's disease of bone, frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Currently, there are no effective treatments for VCP myopathy or dementia. VCP mouse models carrying the common R155H mutation include several of the features typical of the human disease. In our previous investigation, VCP(R155H/R155H) homozygous mice exhibited progressive weakness and accelerated pathology prior to their early demise. Herein, we report that feeding pregnant VCP(R155H/+) heterozygous dams with a lipid-enriched diet (LED) results in the reversal of the lethal phenotype in VCP(R155H/R155H) homozygous offspring. We examined the effects of this diet on homozygous and wild-type mice from birth until 9 months of age. The LED regimen improved survival, motor activity, muscle pathology and the autophagy cascade. A targeted lipidomic analysis of skeletal muscle and liver revealed elevations in tissue levels of non-esterified palmitic acid and ceramide (d18:1/16:0), two lipotoxic substances, in the homozygous mice. The ability to reverse lethality, increase survival, and ameliorate myopathy and lipids deficits in the VCP(R155H/R155H) homozygous animals suggests that lipid supplementation may be a promising therapeutic strategy for patients with VCP-associated neurodegenerative diseases.

FTY720, a sphingosine analog, is a novel immunosuppressant currently undergoing multiple clinical trials for the prevention of organ transplant rejection and treatment of various autoimmune diseases. Recent studies indicate an additional cytotoxic effect of FTY720 and its preclinical efficacy in a variety of cancer models, yet the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We demonstrate here for the first time that FTY720 exhibits a potent, dose- and time-dependent cytotoxic effect in human ovarian cancer cells, even in the cells that are resistant to cisplatin, a commonly prescribed chemotherapeutic drug for treatment of ovarian cancer. In contrast to the previously reported cytotoxicity of FTY720 in many other cancer cell types, FTY720 kills ovarian cancer cells independent of caspase 3 activity and induces cellular swelling and cytoplasmic vacuolization with evident features of necrotic cell death. Furthermore, the presence of autophagic hallmarks, including an increased number of autophagosomes and the formation and accumulation of LC3-II, are observed in FTY720-treated cells before cell death. FTY720 treatment enhances autophagic flux as reflected in the increased LC3 turnover and p62 degradation. Notably, blockade of autophagy by either specific chemical inhibitors or siRNAs targeting Beclin 1 or LC3 resulted in aggravated necrotic cell death in response to FTY720, suggesting that FTY720-induced autophagy plays a self-protective role against its own cytotoxic effect. Thus, our findings not only demonstrate a new death pathway underlying the cytotoxic effect of FTY720, but also suggest that targeting autophagy could augment the anticancer potency, providing the framework for further development of FTY720 as a new chemotherapeutic agent for ovarian cancer treatment.

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